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    發表於 2016-12-11 14:29:02
    如果你認爲女性只會乖乖的呆在那想一些小孩子氣的時候,你就太幼稚了。女性幾乎就是幻想的專家。這份列表將爲你完全展示女性內心的想法。同時還有不同性格身份與之相對應的哦No.10 - Domination (her dominating you)4 z8 b8 @! ^: y) I
    第十位:支配欲(她支配著你)5 `* T- x) x2 U6 V

    Women love a big strong man who can sweep them off their feet and carry them into the sunset -- but you may be surprised to learn that one of the top female sex fantasies is to have that same big strong man begging for sexual release in the bedroom. This involves tying you down to a bed while she forces you to pleasure her with your tongue; the entire scenario revolves around you worshipping her body and begging for her attention. Why? She gets to be in control while enjoying total devotion from her man in the process. What more could she want?) [) S7 i5 ~( N
    No.9 - Domination (you dominating her)第九名:被支配欲(你支配著她)
    . Z* D# M* @! K
    The advent of the metrosexual is most commonly blamed for this top 10 female sex fantasy. It seems that modern, independent women actually prefer real men who aren’t afraid to embrace their testosterone. This woman fantasizes about you pinning her down, thrusting her thighs apart with your knee and penetrating her as savagely as you possibly can. She wants to feel your fingers snake through her hair and pull her head back; she wants to feel your teeth on her shoulder; she wants to be owned -- if only while in the bedroom (after which, she’ll want a clear return to equality). This win-win female sex fantasy scenario allows her to fully indulge her femininity, while still espousing the merits of feminism.  
    No.8 - Teacher/student第八名:老師和學生. U3 n, v. g/ ^0 ?" U+ H
    % n; m5 b: ~2 a
    You’ll be thrilled to know that the Britney Spears fantasy isn’t just for men: Women love the idea of dressing up like a schoolgirl and parading about for your viewing pleasure. Many would even like to take it a step further, playing the naughty tart who won’t stop teasing you until you pull her over your knee and give her the spanking she craves. That’s right: Loads and loads of grown women fantasize about getting a proper spanking from their man. A spanking from you is exciting for two reasons: Not only does this mild show of dominance hurt so good, but it also usually leads straight into hot, hot sex.* i5 w3 K  |& z8 y% j  w/ s
    No.7 - Sex with a stranger第七名:與陌生人的性愛4 j6 p- W3 X3 D" H1 Z% R. |
    . _% w3 `- U6 y' x0 g$ m% c) F
    Most women wouldn’t have the chutzpah to act out this top 10 female sex fantasy, but you’d better believe that most have thoroughly enjoyed thinking about it. No-strings-attached sex is something many women would love to experience, but most are dissuaded from it thanks to a lofty load of self-produced guilt. Nevertheless, her panties definitely get wet at the idea of a gorgeous male approaching her in a dark, smoky bar and taking her back to his room for a long, hot night of wild sex. This female sex fantasy appeals to her naughtiest side -- the kinky one that rarely sees the light of day, thanks to a lifetime of religious and societal conditioning.
    大部分女性還沒有膽子大到實踐這個列表中的幻想,但是你得相信她們中的大部分絕對非常享受的yy過。不附加條件的性愛可能是很多女性非常想經曆的,但是絕大部分都因爲內疚自愧的心理而被抑制住了。但是一想到一名帥氣的男士在昏暗煙霧缭繞的酒吧走近她時,她的內褲絕對會變得濕漉漉的,之後就是順理成章的帶她去你的房間,享受一整夜的魚水之歡。女性性幻想表征了她們最淘氣的一面----由于社會環境和信仰的作用,這一面她們在白天是很少表現出來的。No.6 - Threesome with another woman第六名:兩女共事一夫
    3 x* }1 b$ [* w6 K1 |/ I9 w9 t
    These days, it’s fairly common for straight women to get down with other women now and again, making this top 10 female sex fantasy a not-so-unrealistic possibility. That being said, this threesome fantasy rarely involves you getting playtime with the second hottie, as most girlfriends do not want to see their man touch another woman. In this scenario, you’re meant to play voyeur until your woman is ready for something more hardcore. This allows her to experience the best of both worlds without having to worry about things like jealousy or sharing.
    當今社會裏,女人與女人在一起已不是什麽新聞了,都不夠資格排進這個榜單。但是,這裏所說的三人遊戲中你是很難有空去招架第二個伴侶的,應爲大部分的女性都不喜歡她們的男人碰其他的女性。在這種情況下,你應該在你的女人准備好來些更赤裸裸的活動的時候偷窺一下她。這讓她完全不用擔心嫉妒和分享的問題享受著兩重天。" S5 Q& A) t3 x$ t$ m/ F
    No.5 - Threesome with two men第五名:兩夫共事一女

    This top 10 female sex fantasy involves the woman being worshipped and adored by two gorgeous men. These men are typically heterosexual and, therefore, only interested in the woman -- which translates into a whole lot of action for her. Her sex fantasy might be as innocent as being penetrated by one man while performing oral sex on the other or it might go further, drawing on more hardcore aspects such as double penetration and the like. This female sex fantasy is the ultimate taboo for many women, which makes it all the more fun to imagine.
    No.4 - Voyeurism第四名:偷窺" A' {3 d9 ~* h% _+ B! R

    If you think women don’t enjoy watching other people get it on, you’re completely mistaken. Your woman likes to watch for the same reasons as you do: It’s erotic, exhilarating and slightly taboo. She may fantasize about peeping through the neighbor’s bedroom window, spying on a kinky couple in the park or even catching a full-on orgy from the sidelines. Believe it when we tell you she enjoys "watching" just as much as you do; it allows to her be naughty without getting her hands dirty, so to speak.
    No.3 - Force fantasies第三名:暴力幻想9 l3 L9 t- O: r) S; P
    6 F2 p( M7 j" l4 K
    As mentioned in our common female fantasies article, rape and other force fantasies are massively popular among women. Most psychologists believe this top 10 female sex fantasy allows a woman to have the wild, dirty sex she craves, without having to suffer the guilt that often follows. These female sex fantasies usually involve a gorgeous man carrying her off to his bedroom and quickly getting down to business. She’ll protest as he tears her clothing off and expertly arouses her body, but on the inside, she’ll love every minute of it. This continues to the point of penetration, and leads her to an incredible orgasm despite her earlier protests. This female sex fantasy allows a woman to be wanton and enjoy sex -- something society rarely permits.1 J$ Q8 z  J( {* g  o4 @4 R
    正如一般性的女性幻想文章中提到的一樣,強奸和其他暴力性幻想在女性中試廣泛流行的。很多心理學家表示這個表單讓跟多的女性免受負罪感的壓抑滿足心理的渴求。這種性幻想一般是一個帥氣的男人抱著她到睡房去,並迅速展開正事。她保護著自己你卻撕爛她的衣服,你像一個專家一樣激起了她的情欲,在她的心中其實在享受著每一分鍾。除了她一開始的抗議,你之後的進入會讓她感受到不可言喻的快感。女性性幻想讓女性體驗淫蕩的感覺享受性愛----這都是社會所不允許的。9 R+ y+ \$ F: n7 R0 a1 l9 ?
    No.2 - Exhibitionism第二名:暴露癖好
    ( x8 ]* i0 N- u! `0 O) u
    She might cringe when you bring up the topic of making homemade porn flicks, but your woman has probably fantasized about doing precisely that at one time or another. Unfortunately, most women are far too body-conscious to experiment with such things, making this a top 10 female sex fantasy, as opposed to a reality. Believe it or not, some women even take this desire to the next level, fantasizing about others watching as you shag her silly in a public place./ g3 G9 F1 U- G' Q2 g1 z* |
    你把你們的豔照公開時她可能會強力反對。但是女性很可能心中經常想著同樣的事情。但是,大部分女性都非常自愛不會實踐這樣的想法。雖然與現實不相符合,我們仍把這列在這個列表中。信不信由你,有的女性可能更進一步幻想著別人在公共場合觀看你兩幹事。5 y( B/ k$ v' Z. @& o
    No.1 - Private dancer
    第一名:私人跳舞女郎: `* O- @" V0 ~- M/ m; \9 n
    ) `" I6 Z* ^8 E. P6 L# J
    Most women wouldn’t have the nerve to strip in a public setting. She loves the idea of tantalizing you with a striptease, and she’d love to give you a private lap dance. Why? Your enjoyment tells her you find her attractive, and your erection tells her she has control -- a potent combination that women simply can’t get enough of.

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